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Aida Alayarian - Children of Refugees : Torture, Human Rights, and Psychological Consequences ebook MOBI, TXT, DJV


There is a wide gap between the psychological needs of the children of refugees and the services provided. Refugees home countries, cultures, and social make-up are widely diversified, and their needs cannot be readily consolidated. This diversity of interest and need goes unacknowledged by the service-providers who may treat them as a single, homogenous group. Some refugees needs are exaggerated, while others are ignored. This approach often ignores the justifiable and legitimate interest of refugees psychological well-being. Many children of refugees may struggle with questions of race, ethnicity, language barriers, and other socio-political and economic issues that can influence their mental health and psychological well-being. Preoccupations of the child s emotions with those issues therefore have effects on child personality formations.Apart from having an overview of the relevant processes involved in therapeutic work and possible challenges therein, it is also important for the therapist to have an overview of the child s situation in the past and in any current issues, which this book provides. In order to provide effective therapeutic intervention to children and young people, whether they are unaccompanied or with family, knowing the legal framework and human right issues is vital."

Download ebook Children of Refugees : Torture, Human Rights, and Psychological Consequences by Aida Alayarian in MOBI, TXT

Based on the beloved Dead Feminists letterpress poster series, this illuminating look at 27 women who've changed the world features a foreword by Jill Lepore, author of The Secret History of Wonder Woman .Years of simmering tensions finally reach a breaking point on an unseasonably cold afternoon in New York City as Melody, Beatrice, and Jack Plumb gather to confront their charismatic and reckless older brother, Leo, freshly released from rehab.However, their acceptance as political refugees threatens to cause civil revolt among the Athenians and hostile invasion from the Argives.William Butler Yeats proclaimed that 'Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.' This book lights the fire for the teaching of writing." --John Hattie, author of the Visible Learning books, This book explores writing as a means to focus student thinking, fuel deeper learning, and build complex understanding in English, social studies, math, and science.The authors walk the reader through the most exclusive and spectacular gardens of the California Napa Valley.Driven from their homeland by Eurystheus, king of Argos, the children of Heracles flee as fugitives throughout Greece until they are granted protection in Athens.Against the dramatic landscape of the Teton Range, Woodlief brings to life the grueling task of the rangers, a band of colorful characters who tackle one of the riskiest, most physically demanding jobs in the world.Impossible to put down once begun, this is one of six books in a series with twelve stories in each book."One of Eleanor Cameron's favorite themes--the intermingling of past, present and future--is exposed (here) .The selected papers represent the major themes of the conference as well as a diverse range of contributors from around the world and from different positions in and outside the university.Boy meets girl. Obstacles arise.The selection of her writings in this volume highlight her approach to the study of the early years of life and, in particular, her contributions to understanding the developmental significance of the very young child's discovery of sexual difference, and the ways in which each child expresses this through play, symbolization and language.Interviews that Galenson gave to Milton Senn and Lucy LaFarge provide a Prologue to the Volume.Among the many revolutions he observed during that period was the process of decolonization, which completely changed the geopolitical map of the world and the conditions under which governments seek to assure world peace.